
Old Growth Forests

Mount Rainier National Park is unique because not only does it have an active volcano covered in glaciers, but more than half of the park is old growth forest. Click here to plan your trip.

Old growth forests are hard to find anymore. The Douglas firs and cedar trees make great lumber and most have been cut down. In this protected area, the forest is similar to what it was a thousand years ago.

The trees are tall.

Very tall.

The trees are big.

Very big. Hey! Joy! Are you stuck?

When the trees fall and die, they decompose creating rich soil for new trees to grow. Look for this new growth as my friend Roger explains what happens to trees with shallow root systems.

At the visitor center, labeled tree rings marked world events.

Dinner table discussion: Why is it important to protect old growth forests? Why is it important to be able to cut down trees? Do you think these two groups can work together well? Why or why not.