
Three People who 'Dig' Dirt

We worked with three experts on this trip. Let’s learn a bit more about them.

Dave Conca, Mount Olympic National Park Archaeologist

Job Description: Protect and educate people about the archaeology resources in the park.
How he found his line of work: A family friend was an archaeologist and he took classes in college.
Best thing about his job: He has worked at MONP for fifteen years. He finds it exciting to continue to learn about one spot.
Recommendations for future archaeologists: Be very good at reading, writing and geography
Favorite Food: chocolate

Kim Kwarsick, Mount Olympic National Park Archaeologist

Job Description: Protect the park’s cultural resources and monitor construction projects
How she found her line of work: She spent three summers working at the park and met Dave Conca.
Best thing about her job: She gets to spend her days outside and ends up becoming a storyteller using the artifacts she finds.
Recommendations for future archaeologists: learn to focus on details
Favorite Food: Thai food

Dr. Stephanie Kuster, Paleoecologist

Job Description: Educates people about the animals, plants and ecosystems that existed in the past.
Best thing about her job: She gets to travel and she loves science.
Recommendations for future paleoecologists: Study all the traditional sciences and math.
Favorite Food: sushi

Dinner time Discussion: Do these three experts look the way you expected? Why or why not?