
What Makes an Archaeologist Happy

Do you know what makes an archaeologist happy? Discovering exciting artifacts! Discovering unexpected artifacts! Discovering unexpected, rare artifacts! Discovering obsidian in Mount Olympic National Park!

After helping Archaeologist Kim with her test digs for the day, our St. Louis Science Center group headed to a clearing for a group picture. One member of our group picked up a large shiny, black rock. “This looks like obsidian,” she said and handed it to Kim. Kim was in shock. Only a few, small pieces of obsidian had ever been found in the park until this point. Here was a big chunk! Kim immediate started looking around and discovered more. We found lots of flakes and another ‘core’ scattered about. Up the hill there was a lot concentrated in one area.

Kim will explain why she is so excited.

Kim told us that the next day she woke up and had to make sure the discovery wasn't a dream.

Dinner time Discussion:
Archaeologist Kim made us all promise not to tell where we found the obsidian. Why?